Innovation Campus Temse

Demonstrating the future of energy management in Temse
To improve our understanding of community energy systems (CES), Cordeel has turned its headquarters in Temse into an operational site to showcase a CES. The “De Zaat” CES in Temse will interconnect and coordinate the following:
- 2 MWp of rooftop ePV
- 1,5 MWh of planned battery storage
- A hydrogen electrolyser to fuel Cordeel’s fleet of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles
- Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) storage through Cordeel’s electric and hydrogen vehicle fleet
- Closed-loop pumped hydro storage through licensed energy hill concept
By implementing this installation, Cordeel will achieve a self-consumption rate of 40% for the community, resulting in a significant reduction in dependence on the external energy markets.

Energy hill pilot project
Construction has been underway at our Innovation Campus in Temse since June 2022. The hill is growing daily and is expected to be completed in 2025.
We have three more permits for energy hills in the final phase, one of which will be located on the C-ground site in Zutendaal.
Some key facts on the hill in Temse:
- Difference in height: 21m
- Capacity: 3,000 m³ of water / 0.17 MWh
- Turbine power of 170 kW
- 85 MWh annual capacity

Setting up a hydrogen supply chain
C-energy and Cordeel are setting up a hydrogen supply chain in Temse, starting from local renewable power (PV), electrolysis, hydrogen storage and hydrogen compression in a refuelling station.
The refuelling station is already in operation, charging the four hydrogen-powered vehicles of the fleet. The next step is to install the other elements with the electrolyser planned to be operative by the end of 2024.
We use the implementation of this supply chain as test case to learn about a technology that will potentially have a big impact on the energy transition. This will help us crafting our business proposals for the future, as we are convinced that hydrogen is not a one-size-fits-all solution, but in need of very specific needs to have the intended effect.
The picture shown is a render of the to be implemented installation in Temse.

In our showroom in Temse visitors can experience our innovative products and solutions.
We regularly host events as well as customer meetings here.
Via four huge screens and the exhibited products, we explain how Cordeel Group can support our customers in their future-proof projects.
In 2024 we will remodel the showroom so that the bandwidth of our solutions is shown even better.