Sharing knowledge

Green Deal Circulair Bouwen
Cordeel is committed to sharing practical experiences with other construction companies, construction material producers, local and regional authorities, private developers, researchers and other organisations in the learning network ‘Green Deal Circulair Bouwen’. Through collaborative experimentation, we aim to test circular principles in practice and uncover any bottlenecks. Cordeel Temse has joined the Green Deal Circular Building initiative and used the renovation of the Multi project located in Brussels as their pilot project for the initiative.

Flux50 fosters collaboration across the energy, IT and building sectors to enhance the competitiveness of the Flemish smart energy industry during the transition to low-carbon systems. As a member of Flux50, Cordeel plays a central role in the energy field. We are involved in two Flux50 projects: Cordeel Business Park 4.0 and City Poles.

Keynotes and debates
Our colleagues regularly participate in events as keynotes speakers and panellists. At the Reality Belgium forum on ‘Soaring Energy Costs and the Impact on the Real Estate Market’, Laurence Gacoin (CEO C-Energy) shared her insights on how sustainable building solutions can contribute to a sustainable energy policy.

Industry associations and organisations
Smart Buildings In Use
Duurzaam Gebouwd
EV Belgium
Waterstof net
TWEED (Technologie Wallonne Energie – Environnement et Développement durable)
Flux 50