Attract & retain talent

Employees per country
Cordeel Group is an independent family-owned business. With roots in Belgium, we have grown to become a major European player.
1,923 employees are employed in various countries.
The employee numbers mentioned in this report are reported in head count at the end of the reporting period.

Collaboration with schools and universities
To promote and raise awareness for our work at Cordeel, we partner with schools and universities at a national level. In 2023, we hosted 37 internships and collaborated with several students on their bachelor’s, master’s and PhD theses.
Among the universities we collaborate with are UAntwerpen, UGent, UHasselt and KU Leuven.

Dual Learning
It is becoming increasingly challenging for schools to keep up with technological advancements in the workplace. The fundamental technological competencies that students acquire in school are often insufficient to be immediately applied in a company setting.
As a learning organization, we want to make our experience and expertise available to schools and students to address this issue.
Through a dual learning program, the student is given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the work environment in a comfortable manner, allowing them time and space to integrate and learn. In this way, the student can expand their knowledge in a realistic yet protected work environment.
In 2023 we employed 9 dual students: 3 at C-EVH, 5 at Imtech and one at C-concrete.

Youca action Day
In October, as part of the YOUCA Action Day, one secondary school student worked in various companies within the Cordeel Group. Along with over 14,000 other students, they swapped their classroom desks to work for a day to support charity. The wages they earned have been entirely donated to projects committed to making a difference for young people around the world.
In 2024 we will give more students the chance to work for one day at the Cordeel Group.

Orientation internship – Cordeel Nederland
From Develsteincollege in Zwijndrecht, two students embarked on their orientation internship, delving into their career choices.
One student is gaining insight into construction activities at Cordeel Nederland, while the other is pursuing a passion for architecture by working in the engineering department.
Both students, aged 14 and enrolled in the third year of VMBO-T, are part of a preparatory pathway within the Dutch secondary education system, which emphasizes theoretical learning and prepares them for further education at the MBO level or higher.

Welcoming our new colleagues during the onboarding day
Our goal is to make sure that new employees feel welcomed and integrated into the Cordeel Group right from the start. As a part of our onboarding process, we organise a special day for newcomers, where they have the opportunity to get to know the company alongside a diverse group of employees from our various subsidiaries. This not only helps to broaden their network but also provides a chance to learn more about the Cordeel group as a whole. In 2023, a total of 233 new colleagues participated in the onboarding days.
C-coach as mentors
We have made adjustments to our mentoring programme so that each new employee is paired with a designated C-coach during their initial weeks and months on the job. The specific roles and responsibilities of C-coaches are clearly defined. These include among others:
- Giving all sorts of practical information
- Giving a tour of the building
- Explaining where relevant information can be found and how to use the company portal.
The C-coach program is mainly about making sure that the new colleagues have a good start and that they have an additional point of contact, next to their superior that can help out with all kinds of questions.
We want to make sure that every new employee gets a dedicated C-coach. In 2023 we trained the first batch of C-coaches: 73 colleagues volunteered and will be accompanied mid 2024 by a second batch.

Hiring at Cordeel*
Our mission of “transforming the future as the fastest builder by focusing on innovation to create smart, energy-efficient and low-carbon solutions” and our investments towards achieving this goal have become a significant draw for talented individuals.
Both new and seasoned professionals alike have expressed that our company’s strategy is a compelling reason for them to choose us as their employer. Currently, we have over 120 job openings in Belgium and in the Netherlands.
*scope of companies: all entities, except of C-Serbia, Technocon & NLT Pivaco –> coverage: 95.3% of total employees
Total number of new employee hires during the reporting period | 361 |
Total number of employee turnover during the reporting period | 380 |
Percentage of employee turnover in the reporting period | 19.76% |
Net job growth rate | -0.98% |
Collective bargaining agreements
*scope: complete group, except of NLT Pivaco, Imtech Engineering and Technocon.
Employees covered by collective bargaining agreements | 1,477 | 79.7% |