Key targets & progress
To make our mission of “transforming the future as the fastest builder by focusing on innovation to create smart, energy-efficient and low-carbon solutions” more tangible, we defined a number of concrete targets to follow up.

Sustainable operations
- 2024: Monitor group-wide ground-water withdrawal and consumption of water on construction sites
- 2024: Reduce water consumption by 5%
- 2026: 0% of pumped water from construction pits discharged into the sewer as long as it’s geographically possible and the water is not polluted.
Materiality: water use
- 2024: Increase our insights in the final processing of waste
- 2026: Ambition: Zero-waste-production of production companie
Materiality: waste
GHG emission reduction targets
Materiality: own carbon emissions, embodied carbon, accelerating the energy transition
Reporting year | Measure | Status |
2023 | 100% green electricity for all locations | Starting from 01/2024 90% of Belgian locations |
Report on scope 1 & 2 of complete Cordeel group | All companies in BE, NL, HUN & BG. Except of Technocon, C-EVH, Off Site Belgium, ForGrowth, Flywel & NLT Pivaco --> 93.4% of revenue covered | |
Report on the three most material scope 3 emissions | Purchased goods category of companies representing 83% of revenue | |
2024 | Receive certification for CO2-prestatieladder level 5 | |
EPD of most common precast concrete mix | ||
2025 | Report on scope 1-3 of complete Cordeel group | |
2026 | 100% of passenger cars are electric | |
2027 | CO2-neutrality scope 1 & 2 with reduction of at least 75% (compared with base year 2021) | 2023: - 31.8% intensity based, -895.3 tons absolute |
2030 | Precast elements: 50% reduction in CO₂-eq emissions compared to 1990 emissions in the Flemish Region (Vlaams Betonakkoord) |
Our people
Safety of our workforce
Target & progress:
- Zero lost-time injuries: 56 work-related injuries in 2023 (+5.7%)
Materiality: Health & Safety
Training hours
Target & progress:
- Increase number of training hours per employee: on average 9.7h in 2023
Materiality: Talent attraction
Impact on society
Ethical behaviour
- No incidents of corruption or bribery: no incidents in 2023
- 2024: The functions at risk received a training on the Code of Conduct
Materiality: Ethical business practices
Temporary occupation of developments
- Temporary occupation of all larger to-be-developed/ to be renovated projects that we develop ourselves
Materiality: Local community engagement
Future-proof projects
Urban mining
- No demolition or large-scale renovation without urban mining of materials
Materiality: Circular Design, Waste
Green concrete
- 2030: Precast elements: 50% reduction in CO₂-eq emissions compared to 1990 emissions in the Flemish Region
Materiality: Embodied carbon, own carbon footprint
Life cycle analysis
- 2025: Conduct a life cycle analysis for every new building
Materiality: Embodied carbon, own carbon footprint