Sustainability Governance

Clearly defined roles and responsibilities make sure that we achieve our sustainability goals.

Sustainability governance

Annually, the Board Of Directors receives updates on the implementation progress of our sustainability strategy. They review and endorse the set targets and provide feedback on the strategy.

The Sustainability Committee is responsible for defining and setting our organisation’s sustainability strategy and goals. The committee convenes quarterly to assess progress and oversee the execution of the strategy. It comprises directors from different expert divisions as well as the responsibles from the Corporate Services Legal, HR, QHSE and Sustainability. They provide guidance to the focus groups leading our sustainability efforts and translating them into practical actions.

The Focus Groups, composed of multidisciplinary teams from different entities and departments, report on their performance and progress towards the defined targets regularly. Their work is crucial to improve our impact on Cordeel Group’s most material sustainability matters.

The Corporate Services are another important pillar in the execution of Cordeel Group’s sustainability efforts. They work on a number of material initiatives and report regularly on the progress.

Our dedicated Group Sustainability Officer makes sure that initiatives are aligned, progress is being made and that the sustainability strategy is future-proof. He is responsible for the group-wide reporting and makes sure that we comply with reporting regulations. He gives guidance to – or is leading – the focus groups,  represents Cordeel Group externally and is in regular contact with key customers and financial institutions.

Members of the sustainability committee

Laurence Gacoin

CEO C-energy & C-innovation (F)

Erik Groes

CEO Imtech & COO Cordeel Group (M)

Erik De Bruyn

CEO Cordeel Nederland & Director Cordeel Group (M)

Aurélie Cordeel

Strategic Change Manager (F)

Stijn Rynwalt

Group Legal Counsel (M)

Simon Maillet

Group Sustainability Officer (M)
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Gender diversity in the sustainability committee

  •  Male
  •  Female