
*scope: complete Cordeel Group, except of NLT Pivaco
Age category | Number of employees | % of employees |
< 30 years | 292 | 15.5 % |
30 - 50 years | 976 | 51.7 % |
> 50 years | 620 | 32.8 % |
*scope: complete Cordeel Group, except of Technocon & NLT Pivaco
Seniority category (in years) | Number of employees |
0 - 5 years | 900 |
6 - 10 years | 322 |
11 - 15 years | 204 |
16 - 20 years | 163 |
> 20 years | 278 |
Employees by gender
At Cordeel Group 1,656 men are employed, working together with 266 female colleagues.
The number of female colleagues in the category of blue collar workers is very low (24), which represents the reality in the wider construction industry. Zooming into white collar employees, our female colleagues represent 23.8% of that category.
Over the past few years, we have managed to attract more and more female colleagues. In our opinion this can be linked to the flexible work environment that Cordeel Group is providing, an improved employer branding as well as our compelling vision of becoming “the happiest company to work for/with”.
We employ 16 female colleagues at top management level, which is 17.2%.
Split blue/ white collar
*scope: complete Cordeel Group, except of NLT Pivaco
Category | Number of employees | % of total |
Blue collar workers male | 877 | 46.3% |
Blue collar workers female | 24 | 1.3% |
Blue collar workers total | 901 | 47.5% |
White collar workers male | 757 | 39.9% |
White collar workers female | 237 | 12.5% |
White collar workers total | 987 | 52.5% |
Grand total | 1,895 |
Gender distribution at top management level
We define top management level as the CEO’s and one hierarchical level below, excluding board of directors.
*scope: complete Cordeel Group, except of NLT Pivaco
Gender | Number | % |
Top management male | 77 | 82.8 % |
Top management female | 16 | 17.2 % |
Grand total | 93 | 100% |
Gender pay gap
In 2023 we report on the gender pay gap for all companies above 20 employees in Belgium (except NLT Pivaco), Netherlands and Bulgaria.
The unadjusted average pay gap of these companies is 3.25%.
We can see clear differences between our businesses: at the production companies, the service centers and the C-living division, the gender pay gap is negative. Three companies report on a double-digit gender pay gap.
In general, these differences are linked to the functions the female colleagues hold, e.g. there are more junior women holding administrative positions, compared with male project managers with high seniority.
In 2022, we implemented salary scales per function which will limit salaries diverging from the start.

Additionally, we implemented a clear policy on wage mark-ups, with the intention of making it unlikely that the salaries of a group will rise faster than the other.
With the new contracts being covered and wage mark-ups being unified we aim to decrease the salary pay gap eventually. Additionally, we can see that more (young) women are joining Cordeel Group in general, which is a great sign and which will also help closing the gender pay gap.
We will continue to dive deeper into this KPI, so that we will be able to report an adjusted average year, which paints a more realistic picture.
The gender pay gap is the difference in percentage between average gross hourly earnings of male paid employees and of female paid employees.
Total compensation ratio
In 2023, we report for the first time on the annual total compensation ratio all companies above 20 employees in Belgium (except NLT Pivaco), Netherlands and Bulgaria.
The unadjusted total compensation ratio of these companies is 196.41%.
The ratio of the annual total compensation ratio is calculated as the difference of the compensation of the highest paid individual to the median annual total compensation for all employees.