Health & well-being

Encourage healthy habits
We want to encourage healthy habits among our employees. We do so by providing various measures to support their physical well-being. Through ergonomic assessments, we help ensure that our workers can perform their jobs safely and comfortably, reducing the risk of injuries.
Moreover, we offer discounts at the VITA Groep swimming pools to encourage regular exercise.
As part of our commitment to promoting healthy and sustainable workplace practices, we provide healthy and nutritious food and beverage options. This includes the provision of fruit baskets in all of our offices, as well as the installation of six Dripl drink machines at various locations. In 2023, we consumed 47,878 Dripl drinks and avoided use of single-use packaging or bottled drinks. We avoided 1,388 kilogram of sugar by choosing their healthier drinks.
We also encourage the use of bikes. In 2023, we will started offering bike leasing and discounts. 75 employees now ride a leased bike which will help decrease our carbon footprint and improve the health of our colleagues. Several of our offices already offer bike parking, and we are planning on implementing them in all our locations starting in 2024.

Fit at Cordeel
Sporting together has numerous benefits. It not only fosters relationships and improves team dynamics by building a sense of community and improving communication, but it can also reduce stress and boost energy levels, leading to enhanced mental well-being and increased productivity. Sporting together also provides a fun and enjoyable way for employees to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle, helping to reduce the risk of health problems and increase overall well-being.
In 2023 we participated in a number of runs in Belgium which led to many enthusiastic colleagues pushing their limits: 10 Miles in Antwerp (84 participants), Dwars door Hasselt (40 participant) as well as an urban run organised on the site of our headquarter in Cordeel with 140 participants.
To promote internal connection and friendly competition, we created an internal Strava group where the 93 members can view the performances of their colleagues and participate in competitions.
By providing these opportunities, we hope to encourage our employees to prioritise their physical well-being and enjoy the many benefits of engaging in sports with their colleagues.
Fit at Cordeel – impressions
Buddyfit partnership
In 2022, we started a partnership with Buddyfit, the all-in-one wellness platform for the body and mind. As part of this collaboration, we provided all employees with free access to online courses they can join whenever and wherever they want.
In December 2023 we organised a step-challenge for the whole Cordeel Group, powered by the Buddyfit platform.
The goal was to take 7.500 steps daily for 20 days. The results of the 167 participants were remarkable: we saw a 40% increase in the number of steps taken per day. From an average of 4 km per day before the challenge, we jumped to over 6 km per day. Throughout the 20-day challenge, our participants took a total of 7,692,020 extra steps, which is equivalent to walking around Belgium four times.