
Cordeel is a truly international company with 1,797 employees from 45 different backgrounds and nationalities. We continue working to increase our diversity, through ensuring diversity of gender, age, education and disabilities.
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Average age:  43.10 years

Age category (in years) Number of Employees
< 24 85
24-29 197
30-39 447
40-49 440
50-59 497
> 60 131
Grand Total 1,797


Average seniority 9.46 years

Seniority category (in years) Number of employees
0-5 848
6-10 337
11-15 211
16-20 142
21-25 84
> 25 175
Grand Total 1,797

Blue/white collar

Grand total: 1,797

  •  Blue collar
  •  White collar


  •  Male
  •  Female

Gender pay gap

For 2022 a wage gap analysis was conducted for the firms represented on one of the work councils in Belgium. We investigated the gender pay gap on three levels:

  • job level
  • seniority
  • level of education per company 

Within the operational staff we do see negative pay gaps at some companies, meaning women earn more than men. This is the case at Imtech and C-metal. At Cordeel zetel Temse and C-concrete we see a negative pay gap both at job level and seniority.

At C-rental and C-supply the pay gap is visible both at job level, seniority and education level.

SDG - 5: Gender equality

In general we have to conclude that the biggest salary gap between women and men can be found in the category of highly educated people. Male employees with a bachelor’s or master’s degree thus earn significantly more than women with the same level of education.

In 2022, we implemented salary scales per function which will limit salaries being too diverging from the start. Additionally, we implemented a clear policy on wage mark-ups, with the intention of making it unlikely that the salaries of a group will rise faster than the other. With the new contracts being covered and wage mark-ups being unified we aim to decrease the salary pay gap eventually.