feels proud to work for Cordeel
Key numbers
The satisfaction survey was distributed to 1,543 employees located in Belgium, with 701 employees completing it, resulting in a response rate of 45%.
All business units participated, and both blue and white-collar workers completed the survey.
feels proud to work for Cordeel
knows the values, mission and vision of Cordeel Group
feels connected to the organisation
thinks their work offers sufficient opportunities for independent thinking and action
enjoys doing their job
feels they are making a clear contribution to the company result
thinks they have a good work-life balance
thinks there’s an open working climate at Cordeel Group
Key areas in which we commit to initiate improvement efforts
Creating more togetherness within Cordeel Group: Increase the sense of togetherness within the group by having the different companies take more joint actions and, for example, launching a programme to do sports together.
Creating a transparent talent development policy: Providing a clear overview of training courses that can be taken, having opportunities for advancement and being given sufficient opportunities and time to share knowledge and experiences with colleagues.
Striving for open and transparent communication
Increasing participation in the satisfaction survey