Key sustainability achievements in 2023

In 2023, Cordeel Group and its subsidiary companies have accomplished some key sustainability achievements that showcase our efforts towards a more sustainable future.

Significant reduction of GHG emissions

In 2023, we achieved a significant reduction of our scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions.

Compared to our base year 2021, we emitted 895 tons less. Intensity-based, this is even a reduction of -31.8%.

We’re particularly proud to realize the absolute reduction of 895 tons, even though we added many more companies to the reporting boundary. In 2023 we reported on the GHG emissions of almost the complete Cordeel Group, 93.4% of the revenue was covered by this reporting.

Additionally, we started reporting on our scope 3 emissions.

SDG - 13: Climate action

Signed agreements

The objective of the Green Deal is to achieve a zero-emission logistics sector, including zero-emission inland shipping by 2050. To achieve this, 15 strategic objectives have been defined in the areas of technology, financial solutions, policy, and implementation.

Annually, C-ground transports 150,000 – 200,000 tons of soil through waterways for their activities in Zutendaal.

Additionally, ships are used to deliver sand and other raw materials to Temse, where they are utilized in Cordeel Group’s precast concrete company, C-concrete.

Moreover, Cordeel Group uses waterway shipping to deliver e.g. precast elements directly to construction projects, avoiding road traffic and further promoting sustainable transport practices.

SDG - 17: Partnerships for the goals
SDG - 13: Climate action

+Earth+ sees the light of day

To further scale the nature-based remediation and carbon sequestration approach with hemp of C-biotech, we founded +Earth+.

It is an international platform to leverage technology in nature-based generative solution and maps clean-up projects around the world.

This will help creating maximum transparency and trust which is highly important for one of the next steps on the roadmap: setting up carbon credits for the hemp projects and showing the effective remediation of soil.

+Earth+ aims to create the largest soil and CO2 cleanup with nature.

We are thrilled to announce that +Earth+ has been selected to be part of the prestigious Microsoft Entrepreneurship for Positive Impact Accelerator! The program is dedicated to fostering innovation and driving positive change in the world.

SDG - 15: Life on land
SDG - 3: Good health and well-being
SDG - 6: Clean water and sanitation

New and renovated buildings

In 2023 we took serious steps to decrease our scope 1 & 2 emissions while increasing the quality of workspaces for our employees of three companies.

  • Renovation office Hoeselt
  • New office building Imtech
  • New production facility C-battery

Energetic renovation of Cordeel zetel Hoeselt

The office building was constructed in 2002 and underwent an energetic renovation in 2023.

It is now a a fossil-free building, featuring an HVAC hybrid system with a 4-pipe heat pump. This system efficiently provides cooling and heating to all zones via climate ceilings.

Additionally, the building incorporates new intelligent lighting based on a recent study, utilizing 100% LED technology.

To monitor energy and water consumption, C-scan sensors are implemented.






SDG - 13: Climate action

Imtech South uses a CO₂ heat pump in their new office building

Imtech has moved its offices in Naninne to a new building in Courrière.

It’s a showcase of the expertise of Imtech in reducing the environmental impact of buildings techniques:

356 photovoltaic panels with a collective power output of 151.50 kWp have been installed, to provide us with self-generated, renewable energy.

A dynamic ceiling system enhances energy efficiency and the charging stations will power our electrical vehicles.

Special about the building is the installation of a CO₂ heat pump for efficient heating and cooling solutions. It uses CO₂ as the refrigerant instead of traditional ones like HFCs or HCFCs. It operates similarly to other heat pumps, transferring heat through a refrigerant loop.

CO₂ heat pumps stand out for their environmental friendliness. CO₂ is a natural refrigerant with a low global warming potential (GWP), meaning it has less impact on global warming and ozone depletion compared to synthetic refrigerants like HFCs.


SDG - 7: Affordable and clean energy
SDG - 13: Climate action
SDG - 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure

C-battery moved to a bigger location

C-battery produces lithium-ion batteries in Oudenaarde.

Their offering ranges from industrial racks to containerized batteries.

To increase the production capacities, they moved to a bigger location. Now, not only the workspace quality and size improved, the building is also powered by solarpanels of 700 kWp.

SDG - 7: Affordable and clean energy
SDG - 13: Climate action

Signed agreements

Cordeel zetel Hoeselt signs Circular Construction Manifesto

The Belgian region of Limburg has a strong construction sector, with numerous construction companies forming one of the largest economic sectors in the region.

However, the construction industry faces several challenges like rising raw material prices, shortage of labor, high CO2 emissions and high consumption of energy and water.

The Circular Construction Manifesto (“Manifest circulair bouwen Limburg”) by POM Limburg and Embuild Limburg provides construction actors with guidance and makes the broad concept of “circular construction” more concrete so they can implement it in their projects and daily operations.


SDG - 17: Partnerships for the goals
SDG - 12: Responsible consumption and production

Imtech has secured a silver badge in its second EcoVadis scoring, improving its rating with 5 points, reaching 65/100 points.
We now stand proudly in the top 8% of businesses evaluated within the “Electrical, Plumbing, and Other Construction Installation Activities” industry.
This success can be attributed to the proactive steps taken in the implementation of a Code of Conduct and Code of Conduct for Business Partners.


EcoVadis is a global network of over 100,000 rated companies and the world’s leading provider of business sustainability ratings.


SDG - 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
SDG - 13: Climate action